Fields offices

At an international level, the Agency makes use of a network of 17 foreign offices for the management of development cooperation initiatives in the relevant countries.



Partner countries: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Costa d'Avorio

Titolare: Laura Bonaiuti
tel. +226 25374142 / 25374038

Il Cairo

Partner countries: Egitto

Titolare: Martino Melli
tel. +202 27958213

Addis Ababa

Partner countries: Etiopia, Gibuti, Sud Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea

Titolare: Isabella Lucaferri
tel. +251 (0) 11 1239600 / 01 / 02


Partner countries: Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, RDC

Titolare: Giovanni Grandi
tel. + 254 (0) 20 5137200
tel. + 254 (0) 722 202302


Partner countries: Mozambico, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, Angola

Titolare: Paolo Enrico Sertoli
tel. +258 21491787 / 88


Partner countries: Niger, Camerun, Ciad, Repubblica del Congo, RCA

Titolare: Fabio Minniti
tel. +227 20 35 01 50


Partner countries: Senegal, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania

Titolare: Marco Falcone
tel. +221 338228711


Partner countries: Tunisia, Algeria, Libia, Marocco

Titolare: Andrea Senatori
tel. + 216 71 893 321 / 144



Partner countries: Giordania, Iraq

Titolare: Roxanne Weber
tel. +962 6 4658668


Partner countries: Libano, Siria

Titolare: Alessandra Piermattei
tel. +961 5 951 376/377/378


Partner countries: Pakistan

Head of office: Francesco Zatta
tel. +92 51 283 3173
fax +92 51 283 3007

Latin America


Partner countries: Paesi del Sud America

Titolare: Mario Beccia
tel. +537 8327079


Partner countries: Cuba

Titolare: Antonio Festa
tel. +53 7 8327079

San Salvador

Partner countries: El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Belize, Repubblica Dominicana, Haiti, piccoli stati insulari dei Caraibi

Titolare: Paolo Gallizioli
tel. +503 2298 4470



Partner countries: Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia, Macedonia del Nord, Serbia


Velyka Vasylkivska 24, Kyiv, 01004

Partner countries: Ucraina, Moldova

Titolare: Pietro Pipi
tel. +38 (044) 29 90 159
cell. +38 (050) 029 9174

Team Europe

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Head of Development Cooperation

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Structure and staff

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Profile and goals

The Italian Development Cooperation has been present in Vietnam since 1990, the date of signature of the first Technical-Financial Cooperation Agreement between Italy and the Vietnamese government. The first office in Hanoi was opened in 1998, and since 2007 it has also become responsible for activities in Cambodia and Laos. Since January 2016, following the […]

Read more The Italian Development Cooperation has been present in Vietnam since 1990, the date of signature of the first Technical-Financial Cooperation Agreement between Italy and the Vietnamese government. The first office in Hanoi was opened in 1998, and since 2007 it has also become responsible for activities in Cambodia and Laos. Since January 2016, following the […]