Technical Training and Higher Education

AICS intervenes in this sector with a capacity building project in favor of the Vietnamese General Statistics Office through an agreement with ISTAT. The project worth a total of 650,000 euro has made it possible to train hundreds of Vietnamese government officials on the use of administrative data for statistical purposes and build skills necessary for the GSO to carry out its role as a coordinator of the National Statistical System of Vietnam.

The project also contributes to:

compilation of the country’s energy balance and production of statistics on households and businesses’ energy consumption, also through the use of a web portal for large companies;

creation of an integrated system for environmental statistics and definition of a system of indicators for measuring extreme events and disasters, as well as a system of indicators on the urban environment;

dissemination of statistical data through the use of a data warehouse system integrated with the GSO website able to provide user-friendly access system to data;

improvement of the security levels of the ICT system and skills of related staff, in particular training on the use of new data collection techniques both through web questionnaires and through the use of new tools, such as tablets, to collect and manage administrative data archives.