Aics Hanoi: Exploratory mission of Dr. Margherita Lulli, newly appointed Head of the Office

Hanoi—In the week between July 22nd and 26th, Ms Margherita Lulli, who will take over as Head of the Aics Hanoi office from Ms Annamaria Iotti starting September 1st , carried out an exploratory mission in the country to gain an initial overview of the context and initiatives implemented by Italian cooperation in Vietnam and the Far East. Ms Lulli is currently Technical Officer of the V° Office “Environment and Land Use” of the Headquarters of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

During her presence in Hanoi, Ms Lulli had an initial tangible approach to the ongoing projects, also supported by an intensive agenda of

AICS Hanoi Team and Ms Margherita Lulli

meetings with Heads of Mission of the diplomatic representations with which the office works, counterparts and institutional partners, and the entire AICS Hanoi Team.

“I take this opportunity to wish the future Head of the AICS Hanoi Office a fruitful work experience in Vietnam. The country, as well as the entire region we are operating, is very stimulating, also in terms of development cooperation that follows modern times, with new challenges and opportunities for the entire Italian system,” said Ms Iotti.

Ms Lulli met the Italian Ambassador to Hanoi, H.E. Marco Della Seta, and had virtual meetings with the Italian Ambassadors to Manila, H.E. Davide Giglio, and Dhaka, H.E. Antonio Alessandro. She also participated in the Development Advisors meeting hosted by the Delegation of the European Union in Vietnam and AICS Hanoi sectoral sessions with the Program Experts of the office’s initiatives.

Among the Vietnamese counterparts, she met with Dr Ngo Manh Ha, Deputy Director General of the Department of Water Management of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and Dr Hoang Thi Thanh Ha, Director of the Department of Foreign Statistics and International Cooperation of the National Institute of Statistics.

To date, AICS Hanoi has focused its action on water resources management, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), the action on climate change, health, and sustainable rural development in Vietnam, the Philippines, and the Small Island States of the Pacific and at a regional level by promoting the development cooperation component of the Italy-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) partnership. AICS Hanoi, also, intervenes in humanitarian and peace-building activities in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

AICS Hanoi: mission of Mr Giuseppe Cerasoli, Administrative Deputy Director

Hanoi, 12/09/2024 – In line with the effort to improve the Governance of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, AICS, Mr Giuseppe Cerasoli, Administrative Deputy Director and Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency of the Agency, conducted a mission to the AICS Office in Hanoi, Vietnam, from the 1st to the 6th of September.

As a government body implementing development cooperation initiatives, AICS plays a pivotal role in the international donor

Ms Margherita Lulli, AICS Hanoi Head of Office, and Mr Giuseppe Cerasoli, Administrative Deputy Director of AICS

community. In this regard, the Agency is required to adapt its procedural systems to global standards and to fulfil specific obligations to be compliant with the status of “Pillar Assessed Entity” authorized to manage European Union funds.

Among the Agency’s Governance progresses and, therefore, in terms of effectiveness at the international level, it is worth mentioning its very recent positioning in the “Good” category of the Transparency Index 2024 (ATI). ATI is the only independent index measuring the transparency of aid from the world’s leading development aid agencies, created by the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), of which AICS has taken part since 2017. The ATI Indicator analyses data at both organizational and implementation projects levels.

The visit of the Deputy Administrative Director, lasting a week, coincided with the arrival and taking up of service of Ms Margherita Lulli, the new Head of AICS Hanoi Office, from September 1st, for a two-year period assignment.

AICS Hanoi Team together with Ms Margherita Lulli and Giuseppe Cerasoli

“The presence in Vietnam of the AICS Headquarters, represented by Mr Cerasoli upon my arrival, that follows the regency of Ms Annamaria Iotti, Head of the AICS Human Resources Department, confirms the commitment and the current strategy of the Agency to enhance the exchange from the centre to the periphery and vice versa, aimed at increasing the efficiency and achieve the common objectives synergically” commented Ms Lulli.

AICS Hanoi is deeply engaged in different sectors, including managing water resources, water sanitation and hygiene (WaSH), the fight against climate change, health, and sustainable rural development in Vietnam, with a noteworthy focus on the circular economy. Further, AICS Hanoi operates in the Philippines, the Small Island States of the Pacific, and at a regional level with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Finally, AICS Hanoi actively participates in humanitarian and peace-building activities in Myanmar and Bangladesh.