Italy-ASEAN Partnership. AICS Hanoi inaugurates the Project Office in Jakarta

Press Release – Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – AICS Hanoi 


Hanoi, 05/19/2024—Annamaria Iotti, Head of Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Hanoi, went to Jakarta on May 16th to inaugurate the new project office at the Italian Embassy. The branch office will implement the cooperation activities defined by the Italy-ASEAN partnership.

Italy acquired the status of ASEAN Development Partner in September 2020. Since then, AICS, in collaboration with the Embassy of

Benedetto Latteri, Italian Ambassador to Jacarta, Annamaria Iotti, Head of office of AICS Hanoi (left), Luciana Andreini, Italy-ASEAN Partnership Coordinator (right). 

Italy in Jakarta and the ASEAN Secretariat, has promoted various development cooperation initiatives in favour of the area’s countries. Agricultural mechanization, fishing and aquaculture, sustainable tourism and geothermal energy, and health are the areas of projects in which the high expertise of the Italian cooperation system provides a significant contribution in support of the development of communities and territories.

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, through the Hanoi field office, which I am honoured to represent, is constantly committed to strengthening the Italy-ASEAN partnership through projects aimed at improving the living conditions of the populations of the region. Partnership is one of the pillars of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and implementing this important collaboration tool is an integral part of our mission. The Project Office, operational from today at the Italian Embassy in Jakarta, will allow the Agency to streamline relations with the ASEAN Secretariat, improving the effectiveness of our cooperation action,” declared Annamaria Iotti to the margin of his visit to Jakarta.

The strategic partnership with ASEAN paves the way for initiatives that reflect the most advanced dynamics of development cooperation. These involve Italian excellence, ranging from civil society organizations to research institutes and universities to the private sector.

Innovative financial instruments, such as Blending and Fondo Clima, can strengthen the adoption of these cooperation methods.

Southeast Asia seems to be a particularly favourable scenario for the concrete implementation of Law No. 125/2014 on cooperation reform and the global partnership outlined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Aics Hanoi: Exploratory mission of Dr. Margherita Lulli, newly appointed Head of the Office

Hanoi—In the week between July 22nd and 26th, Ms Margherita Lulli, who will take over as Head of the Aics Hanoi office from Ms Annamaria Iotti starting September 1st , carried out an exploratory mission in the country to gain an initial overview of the context and initiatives implemented by Italian cooperation in Vietnam and the Far East. Ms Lulli is currently Technical Officer of the V° Office “Environment and Land Use” of the Headquarters of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

During her presence in Hanoi, Ms Lulli had an initial tangible approach to the ongoing projects, also supported by an intensive agenda of

AICS Hanoi Team and Ms Margherita Lulli

meetings with Heads of Mission of the diplomatic representations with which the office works, counterparts and institutional partners, and the entire AICS Hanoi Team.

“I take this opportunity to wish the future Head of the AICS Hanoi Office a fruitful work experience in Vietnam. The country, as well as the entire region we are operating, is very stimulating, also in terms of development cooperation that follows modern times, with new challenges and opportunities for the entire Italian system,” said Ms Iotti.

Ms Lulli met the Italian Ambassador to Hanoi, H.E. Marco Della Seta, and had virtual meetings with the Italian Ambassadors to Manila, H.E. Davide Giglio, and Dhaka, H.E. Antonio Alessandro. She also participated in the Development Advisors meeting hosted by the Delegation of the European Union in Vietnam and AICS Hanoi sectoral sessions with the Program Experts of the office’s initiatives.

Among the Vietnamese counterparts, she met with Dr Ngo Manh Ha, Deputy Director General of the Department of Water Management of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, and Dr Hoang Thi Thanh Ha, Director of the Department of Foreign Statistics and International Cooperation of the National Institute of Statistics.

To date, AICS Hanoi has focused its action on water resources management, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), the action on climate change, health, and sustainable rural development in Vietnam, the Philippines, and the Small Island States of the Pacific and at a regional level by promoting the development cooperation component of the Italy-ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) partnership. AICS Hanoi, also, intervenes in humanitarian and peace-building activities in Myanmar and Bangladesh.